Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Face just don't Stare

You don’t put you hand on fire because you know it will burn you, you don’t eat what you know tastes bad, and that’s the way it ought to be. But here comes the people who do everything they know they don’t really enjoy, its one thing to face your demons and another to keep starting at them!, that way you are just provoking them to hurt you. I mean fear is usually a safety reflex, u get scared of what could hurt you and discomfort you.

So I got this friend who just adores horror movies, I for one cant see the point in sitting in a dark theatre half empty, with scary music a disfigured faced, it scares me and being scared isn’t really an enjoyable feeling. So my friends keeps on dragging me into such films. I’m the kind of person who focuses on the film, an hate hearing anything else, this friends screams, jumps, pull my clothes and the silliest part she would actually say run hide to the characters! And she keeps on saying I’m sacred, if your scared why do u come here in the first place, how do u enjoy a movie when ur yelling through it.

The WiseOne says
“People are too wise for my taste, I prefer animals”

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Killer Sensation

A killer sensation is when u can’t suppress what u feel and the only way you got express it is by violence. Its when u don’t get what u want and nothing works your way frustration is all you can feel. I’d gladly break something or hit anything by the times, but when I’m frustrated I numb it by digging my nails in my palm, some how it absorbs some of the frustration. Bt its not a total cure, all I want to do is feel better and solve it.

These days I keep on losing my things, one thing I’m sure of where I have left them, but some how is fooling with me, I just want to find my stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

The wise thing and the mature thing is not to get angry and try to solve it in rational way, right now all I can do is hit, kick & cut my pillows! I want to find my things now!

The WiseOne says
“There is always was a nobler act, if only I figure what is noble”

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Its strange how it always seems we don’t find what we want the most, and we never get what we need. Its even stranger that u always have what you do not want or at leas do not crave for.

For instance I’m looking for one book in particular, I’ve found books I haven’t seen for years, but the one I want is no where to be found. my stuff always seem to disappear.

Losing things, is very common in this life, and looking for them shapes our journey in life, and we find them somehow they don’t seem that much important anymore. that is why we lose a lot, for looking and searching is what define out lives and what makes our existence more relevant.

The WiseOne Says

“rewards without quests are tasteless”

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Driving a Car


at 1259 time stopped, 1259 BUMP!!, at 1259 i crashed , at 1259 kilometers new became old, and old became broken.

Poor little Organeeta Garambeta, got a hard hit. OG isn't a month yet, but going back to her manufacture.

I looked the other way, and took my foot of the breaks & tata, straight into an old mans' trunk. OG didn't get damaged seriously; the bumper will need to be replaced. I suppose all is well as the bumper needs a little of paint too.

now I’m back to driving DT, the crappiest car you ever could set an eye on, u can hear DT 200 miles away. none of the mirrors are functional, no AC!!!, no Stereo, the door hands can fall off any minute now, i always feel that if i drove it far it will just fall apart, and i'll be at a street in a seat holding the steering wheel while each part fall off.

DT is as old as I am , 20 freaking years old, machines aren't supposed to out live their users. and to top it all DT is red, so u can never miss it.

DT stands for Death Trap

The Wise Man says:
“you never can avoid destiny, as it’s written , and there is no eraser”

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Changeable Variables

Nothing is constant or forever in life, even life it self changes or simply ends. We all do not like change much as it disrupts out routine, yet it happens and we need to adapt. We should not expect things to run smoothly nor should we foretell change, we simply need to run along with it.

For instant, in my country weekend was Thursday and Friday, but now they are making the weekend Friday and Saturday, imagine saying can’t wait for Thursday!! I mean will movie release dates will be effected to. As long as the weekend is two days I’m fine with it, well this change we know about before it even happens.

But how about things that just simply happens, and they do not just change they simply just end!.

I think everything is a changeable variable, even our own selves we change with time, what once was big is now average, what once was ugly now is beautiful.

The WiseOne says

“Never try to fit in, as it needs to adjust to your size”

Saturday, May 20, 2006


We live in a world that we count the most, we come first, our need or wants are before all. We seek to be different and standout n every crowd. Yet all we aspire to is very smilar, we want to be the richest the most famous, we want successful careers, a family of our own.

We simply want to be the best at all. Yet all of this is similar how dreams and aspirations is very much guided by what the world defines as the best, and the conforms us.

We all have the Big white houses, with big blue windows, we all got the green lawns, with big palm trees, and high walls. We all got 2-3 cars parked in garage, we all got the maid, the gardener & the driver. We all go to private school and have summer vacation in Europe and winter breaks in snowy mountains. Our lives are very common in style, we try to avoid commonality yet we are bound by it.

The Wise Women says
“ We will talk about me, me and me, and when we are over, we will talk about me”

Friday, May 19, 2006

Longer, farther & hotter

Things tends to drag on longer than you anticipate, so is this academic year, we still haven’t reached exams week, not the date!!, we still have classes and projects and term papers. I’m wild guessing that we got the longest semester ever, it’s freaking 20 weeks long. And then when we tend to start before everyone else, we start in August!!
To top things up, next year they are moving the university to remote location, and by that I mean the new place is some where far on a high way, and what we got as neighbors are some camels and loads of sand.
It’s a miserable thing, now I wake up before class by 10 minutes I get dressed in 5 & 1 min drive 2 walking, and I’m in class on time. Now the drive it self would take me 20-30 minutes! I hope my schedule starts late in the day next year, as I don’t know how would I manage an 8 o’clock class. If I could summarize this course I’d write a book, so far I’ve written to many pages to count on very different topic, I wonder how its is to be a master student let alone a PHD student.
Considering the climate over here summer break should even start earlier, and car should have the AC built in the roof and not the dash board, when I get in the car my head/face is boiling off and not my hands.

News: The Sun Has Relocated,
old address: Space, please forward mail to new address: Earth, UAE – Dubai

The WiseOne says
“Life is short, so don’t stress you self with deadline”

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Like all, love some & hate few

I think we first like everyone, and then we decide to hate or love them considering them as a person. It always have been exciting to meet new people, I’m usually open to new friendships and bonds. I can be very social at times, I make friends easily and I’m pretty open to differences as that what makes this world diverse and interesting.
Yet recently I’ve become very wary of others, and the more I learn I think I’m more prejudice towards others. I do make hasty judgments on first impressions, but I soon retract them.

Anyhow this summer my trip will be with people I never knew before the only link I got with them is we go to the same school, yet I never have met them at school I just recently discovered they existed. The thing is I just met the group and so far none are anything like the people I click with, so this trip might be challenging. I’m not making any assumptions yet, I’ll try to know them before I decide whether they are my type of people or not, I hope it all runs smoothly, and i have pleasant trip this summer.

The WiseOne says
“Believe in all, and trust none”