Saturday, May 20, 2006


We live in a world that we count the most, we come first, our need or wants are before all. We seek to be different and standout n every crowd. Yet all we aspire to is very smilar, we want to be the richest the most famous, we want successful careers, a family of our own.

We simply want to be the best at all. Yet all of this is similar how dreams and aspirations is very much guided by what the world defines as the best, and the conforms us.

We all have the Big white houses, with big blue windows, we all got the green lawns, with big palm trees, and high walls. We all got 2-3 cars parked in garage, we all got the maid, the gardener & the driver. We all go to private school and have summer vacation in Europe and winter breaks in snowy mountains. Our lives are very common in style, we try to avoid commonality yet we are bound by it.

The Wise Women says
“ We will talk about me, me and me, and when we are over, we will talk about me”

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