Sunday, May 21, 2006

Changeable Variables

Nothing is constant or forever in life, even life it self changes or simply ends. We all do not like change much as it disrupts out routine, yet it happens and we need to adapt. We should not expect things to run smoothly nor should we foretell change, we simply need to run along with it.

For instant, in my country weekend was Thursday and Friday, but now they are making the weekend Friday and Saturday, imagine saying can’t wait for Thursday!! I mean will movie release dates will be effected to. As long as the weekend is two days I’m fine with it, well this change we know about before it even happens.

But how about things that just simply happens, and they do not just change they simply just end!.

I think everything is a changeable variable, even our own selves we change with time, what once was big is now average, what once was ugly now is beautiful.

The WiseOne says

“Never try to fit in, as it needs to adjust to your size”

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