Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Like all, love some & hate few

I think we first like everyone, and then we decide to hate or love them considering them as a person. It always have been exciting to meet new people, I’m usually open to new friendships and bonds. I can be very social at times, I make friends easily and I’m pretty open to differences as that what makes this world diverse and interesting.
Yet recently I’ve become very wary of others, and the more I learn I think I’m more prejudice towards others. I do make hasty judgments on first impressions, but I soon retract them.

Anyhow this summer my trip will be with people I never knew before the only link I got with them is we go to the same school, yet I never have met them at school I just recently discovered they existed. The thing is I just met the group and so far none are anything like the people I click with, so this trip might be challenging. I’m not making any assumptions yet, I’ll try to know them before I decide whether they are my type of people or not, I hope it all runs smoothly, and i have pleasant trip this summer.

The WiseOne says
“Believe in all, and trust none”

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