Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Driving a Car


at 1259 time stopped, 1259 BUMP!!, at 1259 i crashed , at 1259 kilometers new became old, and old became broken.

Poor little Organeeta Garambeta, got a hard hit. OG isn't a month yet, but going back to her manufacture.

I looked the other way, and took my foot of the breaks & tata, straight into an old mans' trunk. OG didn't get damaged seriously; the bumper will need to be replaced. I suppose all is well as the bumper needs a little of paint too.

now I’m back to driving DT, the crappiest car you ever could set an eye on, u can hear DT 200 miles away. none of the mirrors are functional, no AC!!!, no Stereo, the door hands can fall off any minute now, i always feel that if i drove it far it will just fall apart, and i'll be at a street in a seat holding the steering wheel while each part fall off.

DT is as old as I am , 20 freaking years old, machines aren't supposed to out live their users. and to top it all DT is red, so u can never miss it.

DT stands for Death Trap

The Wise Man says:
“you never can avoid destiny, as it’s written , and there is no eraser”

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