Saturday, May 27, 2006

Killer Sensation

A killer sensation is when u can’t suppress what u feel and the only way you got express it is by violence. Its when u don’t get what u want and nothing works your way frustration is all you can feel. I’d gladly break something or hit anything by the times, but when I’m frustrated I numb it by digging my nails in my palm, some how it absorbs some of the frustration. Bt its not a total cure, all I want to do is feel better and solve it.

These days I keep on losing my things, one thing I’m sure of where I have left them, but some how is fooling with me, I just want to find my stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

The wise thing and the mature thing is not to get angry and try to solve it in rational way, right now all I can do is hit, kick & cut my pillows! I want to find my things now!

The WiseOne says
“There is always was a nobler act, if only I figure what is noble”

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